Why Rooms Might Be Missing
Room Not Scanned
A room may be missing because it was forgotten or unintentionally skipped during the scanning process.
Issues During the Scanning Process
Even when an attempt is made to scan the room, technical or environmental factors can cause it to be excluded. Common reasons include:
Camera Movement: Disrupted data capture due to motion during the scan.
Poor Lighting: Extremely dark environments can make it impossible to detect and process the room accurately.
Insufficient Coverage: Placing the scanner in a doorway or corner without covering enough angles can result in incomplete data for the room.
How We Handle Missing Rooms
Room Dimensions
Dimensions are only available for areas that were successfully scanned.
Room Area
The area of missing rooms cannot be calculated. Gaps may be estimated based on nearby reference points where possible.
Total Property Area:
The total area is calculated without including missing parts, ensuring accuracy for the scanned portions of the property.
Resolving Missing Room Issues
Revisit the Property
Go back to the property and scan the missing area. Make sure to account for factors like proper lighting and camera stability during the process.
Ensure Proper Coverage
Place the camera so it captures all angles of the room. Whenever possible, it’s best to set it up in the middle of the room.
Merge the New Scan
After scanning the missing room, upload it to the dashboard and use the merge option to integrate it into the existing project. Read more about merging projects here.