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Accessing and Sharing Content
Elza Kreslina avatar
Written by Elza Kreslina
Updated over a week ago

How to access and share content?

Click the project card to view all of the content related to a property & add the address if needed.

To see how to make edits to your assets, be sure to check out the Editors course on your Giraffe360 Learning Page.

Floor plans

  • If you are happy with the plans you can click the three dots underneath the floor plan card > Click Download and then select the file format which you would like to download.

For customers subscribed to our DXF & SVG package, you will also see the option to download these file formats here.

  • You can also download individual floors, click the preview by clicking on the card, then select the layout you would like to save.

Virtual tour

  • To preview the tour click the card, from here you can take a look at the space. Virtual tours are hosted on the Giraffe360 platform and are available anywhere in the world via a link.

  • To access the link, click the menu button and select Tour Link. From here you can grab the link to the virtual tour and share it on your preferred medium.

  • To download the panoramas that make up the virtual tour, click panoramas under the virtual tour menu & click download – you can choose to download all, or specific panoramas.

Still photos

  • Preview your stills by selecting the still card.

  • To download all click menu below the card or inside the image tab, to download individual images you can select download on the assets you would like to save.

Videos & point cloud

  • Select the asset you would like to save and click download.

    Please note these file formats are add-ons, if you would like any more info please contact our Customer success team.

Share page

  • To generate share page head to Pages section of the project and click generate link.

Share page is a great tool for sharing the main project content without having to give users access to your dashboard or having to download and send on the assets.

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