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Track your virtual tour performance.

Elza Kreslina avatar
Written by Elza Kreslina
Updated over a week ago

How to select options for analytics data:

  1. Choose to get data for all projects or select 1-5 projects

    Select projects from the list in the dropdown menu or type a project name and press “Enter” and then select the project you want to get data for.

    If you want to clear selection, select “All projects” from the dropdown menu.

  2. Choose to get data for Total views or Unique views

  3. Choose a timeframe – Yesterday / Last 7 days / Last 30 days / Custom date range

Once you’ve set your preferences, the data will show automatically.

You can download all the analytics data displayed on the dashboard as a CSV or a PDF file. To do that, click on the “Export” button at the top right of the Analytics page and choose the preferred file format from the dropdown menu.

Virtual tour analytics. See how your virtual tours are performing. Get virtual tour viewer data. How many people have seen your virtual tour.

Note: Analytics are only available for the admin and managers.

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