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Still Photos
Making changes to Presets: Still photos
Making changes to Presets: Still photos

Presets work as initial project settings.Changes will be applied to newly uploaded projects. Existing projects will not be changed.

Elza Kreslina avatar
Written by Elza Kreslina
Updated over a week ago

Important: only Admin and Manager users can make changes to presets. Presets section is not available to Basic users.

  • Click on “Presets” section of the dashboard to access branding options.

  • Each content type has their own presets.

  • Add the presets as per your preferences and they will be applied to all your future projects.


If you change presets, old projects will stay with the settings you have selected before and changes will be applied only to projects you will upload after.

If you wish to make any changes to the old projects, please contact the support team.


You can add a watermark to all your still photos.

Once you upload the watermark you can:

  • Crop the watermark image if needed and select overlay – none, greyscale or white. For white overlay use an image with transparent background.

  • Adjust opacity and scale (by default, watermark opacity is set to 50%)

  • Choose watermark position

Once you’ve made your choice, click “Save” at the top right corner and close the presets page by clicking on "X" at the top right corner.

Add watermarks to still photos. Still photo watermark.

Content Download

Switch the toggle to allow unbranded copies. Once this option is on, you will be able to download branded as well as unbranded photos for all your projects. You can also change this for individual project in the still photo editor.

Unbranded copies. Select unbranded copy in presets to enable the unbranded copy download option.


Specify the style for your still photos.

  • Click on “Adjustments”

  • Choose a style that’s already been defined by Giraffe 360 or adjust sliders to set your own preferences.

Adjustments. Sliders. Colour scheme. Colour adjustments. Adjustments for still photos.
  • You can Copy edits and paste them in the still photo editor to a previously uploaded project.

  • You can also copy edits m.ade in the adjustments of the still photo editor for an existing project and paste them into presets, ensuring that these edits apply to all newly uploaded projects.

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