Adding info hotspot:
Find & open the project you want to add info hotspot
Click the menu button "..." on the virtual tour card
Click "Edit tour" > a new window will open
Choose a panorama (Indoor or Outdoor) you’d like to add the info hotspot
Click the icon next to the panorama
Info hotspot will appear on the panorama – you can move it around and place it where you need it
Add info – you can add text, photos and links to the info hotspot.
Note: You can add more than one hotspot per room
Deleting info hotspot:
Find the hotspot you want to delete
Click on it
Click the bin icon to delete the hotspot
You can also delete a hotspot from the panorama list:
Click on the panorama you want to delete a hotspot from
Click on the bin icon next to a hotspot
Please note: Navigation points are separate to information hotspots, in order to move the location, remove or add a navigation point you will need to contact our Customer Support team by selecting "connect to an agent" in the chat function!